How to use

How to use

Run Docker Container (Linux)

  1. Create a docker image
    docker build -t harbinger .
  2. Run a container from the docker image
    docker run -tid –privileged -v $PWD:/home/share –name harbinger –net host harbinger bash
    –privileged is recommeneded by some frameworks like Yardstick in order to correctly build images
  3. Enter the container
    docker exec -it harbinger bash

Setup YAML file

In order to create a valid yaml file, three blocks are required. A sample input file is provided in the Harbinger repo

  1. Options
    Harbinger global options
    • user_id (openstack user_id)
    • username (openstack username)
    • password (openstack password)
    • project_id (openstack project_id)
    • project_name (openstack project_name)
    • user_domain_id (openstack user_domain_id)
    • user_domain_name (openstack user_domain_name)
    • project_domain_id (openstack project_domain_id)
    • project_domain_name (openstack project_domain_name)
    • execution_mode (serial or parallel[default])
  2. Environment
    specify which environment you want to test against
    • OS_AUTH_URL (openstack keystone url - without keystone version)
    • OS_REGION_NAME (openstack region)
    • OS_API_VERSION (openstack keystone api version e.g. “v3”)
    • EXTERNAL_NETWORK (network defined as external in openstack)
  3. Execute
    specify which frameworks you want to run, and which tests for those frameworks you would want to run.
    • tests: (a directory or list of tests to execute [both absolute and relative {to framework} paths are allowed)
    • required: (fields that are required by target framework e.g. server_endpoint in shaker)
    • extras: (extra fields that are supported by target framework, refer to target framework docs)
    • options_override: (overrides settings in Options block)
    • environment_override: (overrides settings in Environment block)
section/option priorities

Each section has a priority level the highest being 1. Meaning a section or option that is of priority 1 will take precedence over other priorities

An example of this being usefull is if you set a user in the Options section, but want a framework to rely on different user (with perhaps different creds), you can specify a different user in the options_override for that framework

Since options_override is a higher priority it will consider those values over the ones specified in the Options section

The lowest priority will always be default values provided for the target framework in etc/harbinger.cfg

The diagram below shows the priority level for each section or option using the sample standardized input yaml file

Priority example

> Harbinger Diagram

Run Harbinger

Now you can run Harbinger by passing in the yaml file to the run command

harbinger run <location of standardized yaml file>
inside the container the alias ‘hrb’ can be used to execute harbinger commands

Harbinger File Structure

This shows an example of Harbinger’s file structure in the docker container

Harbinger’s source can be found in /opt/harbinger-src

The default location for results file would be /opt/harbinger/outputs

├── frameworks
│   ├── shaker
│   └── yardstick
├── inputs
│   ├── shaker.cfg
│   ├── yardstick.conf
│   └── yardstick-suite.yaml
├── outputs
│   ├── archive-hrb.log
│   ├── shaker-results-149a2-hrb.json
│   ├── shaker-results-e37c7-hrb.json
│   ├── shaker-results.json
│   ├── yardstick-68462-hrb.out
│   ├── yardstick-82a33-hrb.out
│   └── yardstick-f3dd8-hrb.out
└── venvs
    ├── shaker
    └── yardstick